Our first visit to one of our favourite destinations in Kakadu for nearly 18 months this week was for most, another exhilarating experience, but for one and all, a stark reminder of the perils of adventure!

Access to the refreshing waters of the Maguk plunge pool involves a little scrambling over some rocks as we walk alongside the creek.

The smooth weathered sandstone surface is invariably also covered with loose sand deposits making the walk a reasonably risky process.

Taking the time to ensure every step you take is on a flat, non slippery surface is extremely important.

Whilst there is always a few slips and slides now and then without serious incident, occassionally severe accidents do occurr.

After enjoying a refreshing swim and commencing our walk back out, one such isolated accident occurred.  Unfortunately a client slipped and fell awkwardly, dislocating her ankle and breaking bones.

After rendering First Aid, the emergency call device in the car park was used to contact Park Rangers and arrange medical assistance.

With darkness approaching and the severity of injuries, rather than carrying her out over the rocks the Care-Flight Rescue Helicopter was engaged to extract and transport directly to hospital.

Enormous thanks is extended to Park Rangers, Ollie, Kathy, Hank & Ritchie for their assistance.

Huge thanks and praise for the Care-Flight paramedics and Flight crew for their amazing work.


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